Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Hello readers. In honor of this drawing (cunningly titled "French Man") I'm going to talk about -that's right- FRANCH!! ha. I just misspelled France, but I like it (it has character) so I'll keep it.
(cue corny, informational video music)
France & Me (or, rather, France and I)
a.k.a. Things I do that relate to France.....sort of
- I often talk in an overdone French accent. Why? Well, it's fun! Oi, monsiuer!
- I think French bread is pretty wicked awesome. (from the dictionary: delectable, mouthwatering, appetizing, tasty, flavorful, toothsome, palatable; succulent, luscious; informal scrumptious, delish, yummy, finger-licking, nummy, lip-smacking, melt-in-your-mouth)
- Um.... yep. that's it. :(
Don't you love my labeling skillz? In the drawing, I mean. I labelez everytink! I got da skillz tuh pay da billz, yo. Fo' shizzle. Hardy har har har.
OH! that reminds me! I've been dying to post a drawing of mine. I couldn't before b/c it has a lot of writing and I didn't want to rewrite/redraw it backwards but now our scanner's fixed and- DEEP VIRTUAL BREATH- I can. So I'll do that one too. This was the inspiration for "I Ain't Got No Teef." WARNING- this is a random one.

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